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Key 2.5
Is the fruiting body white; the fruiting body
1-1/2" - 5" broad; the latex white and remaining white?
Yes |
Is the fruiting body colored; white or colored? ..............................
Yes |
Are the gills crowded?...............
....... .............
Yes |
Are the gills distant, not forked, and the cap finely
Yes |
Is the margin of cap without a cottony roll?
Yes |
Does the margin of cap have a cottony roll?
Yes |
You have an L. deceptivus |
Is the latex colored?
............... ......................
.......... ......................
Yes |
Is the latex white and unchanging or quickly changing
to yellow, sometimes staining?
Yes |
Is the latex blue or does the flesh bruise to blue?
Yes |
Is the latex orange, leaving green stains? ............
Yes |
Is the latex red, leaving red stains? .........
Yes |
You have an L. deliciosus |
You have an L. sanguifluus |
Is the latex white, not staining gills or flesh?
.................. .........
Yes |
Is the latex white, but soon staining to rose, brown,
or lilac, or quickly changing to yellow?
Yes |
Are the cap and stalk olive-brown; the stalk spotted?
Yes |
Are the cap and stalk a color other than olive or
Yes |
Is the cap moist to dry?
Yes |
Is the cap viscid or matted hairy?
Yes |
Is the cap .03" - 1.2"and gray to pinkish
Yes |
Is the cap larger and not gray to pinkish gray?
Yes |
Is the cap glabrous, zonate, orange with a smooth
margin? ..................... .....
..... ..... ........
Yes |
Is the cap glabrous only in the center, yellow-buff,
with densely matted hair at the margin?
Yes |
Is the cap azonate, brown, never hairy?.....
..... .....
.......... .....
..... ..... ..........
Yes |
You have an L. torminosus |