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Key 3.0
Is the cap absent; body with long, delicate hanging
Yes |
Is the sap present; stalk central, off-center or
Yes |
You have a member of the Hericum
family |
Is it an oval, fleshy mass with long spines, but no
Yes |
Does it have multiple branches with long spines?
Yes |
Is it white; growing on wounds of living hardwoods?
Yes |
Is it yellowish, growing on wounds of living
Yes |
You have a Hericum erinaceus |
You have a Hericum weirii |
Does it grow only on pine cones? ...................
Yes |
Is it not found on pine cones; cap large; stalk
central or lacking?
Yes |
You have an Auriscapium
vulgare |
Are the teeth hanging only from branch tips?
Yes |
Are the teeth hanging from along the branch?
Yes |
You have a Hericium
coralloides |
You have a Hericium camosum |
Is the stalk absent, sessile on living trees?
Yes |
Is the stalk present and central? ...................
Yes |
Is it a woody conk on conifers on PNW?
Yes |
Is it shelf-like, fleshy,
overlapping on hardwood?
Yes |
You have a Echinodontium
tinctorium |
You have a Steccherium
septenrionale |
Is the flesh brittle, easily broken, without color
Yes |
Is the flesh very tough, colored zones?
Yes |
Is the cap brown with coarse raised scales; taste
somewhat bitter? .............
.Yes |
Is the cap red-brown with small mostly
flat scales, taste very bitter?
Yes |
Is the cap orange, hairless, dry; taste mild? .......................
Yes |
You have a Hericium
imbricatum |
You have a Hericium scabrosum |
You have a Dentinum rapandum |
Is the stalk bright violet, fragrant; disagreeable
Yes |
Is the stalk not violet; odor not disagreeable?
You have a Hydnellum
suaveolens |
Is the cap whitish at first with wine-red drops of
liquid; odor resinous?
Yes |
Is the cap light-orange without liquid, ; stalk
orange; odor mild? ...............
You have a Hydnellum diabolus |
You have a Hydnellum
aurantiacum |