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Key 2.1
Is the volva and/or veil hairy to membranous?
Yes |
Is the volva or veil glutinous and/or slimy?
Yes |
You have a Limacella
Does it have a sac-like cup at the base and is the
volva persistent?
Yes |
Is the volva in fragments over bulb, or in soil, or on
Yes |
Is the amanita pure white with no warts on the cap?
Yes |
Does the amanita have a colored
cap? ...............
Yes |
You have an A. Virosa,
A verna, or A.
These can not be distinguished in the field and all
are deadly poisonous!
Is the cap free of warts or patches? .......................
Yes |
Is the cap slender, dark brown,
and covered with warts or a large patch?
Yes |
Is the veil absent?
Is the veil present?
You have an A. vaginata
or one of the related varieties
Is the cap yellow-green to green with the veil and
gills white?
Yes |
Is the cap yellow to orange with the veil and gills
Yes |
You have an A. phalloides
Is the cap pure white?
Yes |
Is the cap colored?
Yes |
Does the cap have small warts and hair, along with an
odor of chlorine?
Yes |
Is the amanita odorless with pyramid-like cap with
warts or hairs at the margin?
Yes |
You have an A. chlorinasma
Is the cap brown to reddish-brown?
Yes |
Is the cap yellow, orange, green, or red?
Yes |
Is the stalk white? ..................
Yes |
Is the stalk gray? ...................
Yes |
Is the stalk pinkish or stained red-brown?
Yes |
Is the bulb cleft or split and the cap a dark brown?
Yes |
Is the bulb not split and the cap a light to dark
Yes |
You have an A. brunnescens
You have an A. pantherina
Is the stalk covered with pale gray hairs and the cap
brown with large gray warts?
Yes |
Is the cap light reddish-brown with olive-gray warts?
Yes |
Is the cap light yellowish to green?
Yes |
Is the cap yellow, orange to red?
Yes |
Is the cap green to light-green with pink-tinted volva
Yes |
Is the cap light-yellowish with white volval patches?
Yes |
Is the cap small with warts and the volva yellow?
Yes |
Is the cap bright orange to yellow orange, the veil
whitish, and cuticle near the base white? ..................
Yes |
Is the cap even yellow, the veil yellow to flesh and/or
the cuticle of the stalk tinted red?
Yes |
You have an A. flavoconia
You have an A. flavorubescens